[International Psychodramatists & Group Psychotherapists] Fw: Join us for "Words of the Daughter: Stories and Conversations with Regina Moreno"

patricia phelps plphelps at pacbell.net
Wed Aug 18 01:11:21 UTC 2021

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| ASGPP Education Committee presents this Fundraising Event
Words of the Daughter: Stories and Conversations with Regina Moreno
With Regina Moreno, MA, Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, and Miriam Zachariah, MA, TEP Saturday, August 21, 202110:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) |


| The long-awaited memoir of Regina Moreno, the daughter of J.L. Moreno and Florence Bridge Moreno, reveals new information about the founder of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy as well as an inside view of the everyday life of this extraordinary family.  During this Zoom presentation, we have the lovely opportunity to hear Regina tell stories of her life, particularly how it was to grow up steps from the mental hospital in Beacon, NY, founded by her brilliant and eccentric father, and her mother, who made significant contributions in the development of sociometry and quietly used psychodrama and sociometry in her long-time career as a public school teacher and musician. Regina will be joined by her daughter Miriam Zachariah, MA, TEP, who carries on the family legacy of teaching and psychodrama and will bring into action these precious family stories, as well as Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, who served as editor for Regina’s memoirs and will moderate this online presentation. Regina is author of “Words of the Daughter: A Memoir,” published in January 2021.
NOTE: This offering is a support service, and not a training session. These hours may not be credited towards distance learning training hours for ABE certification. |


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Karen Carnabucci, MSS, LCSW, TEPKaren Carnabucci is a contributing editor for The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy and has been awarded the Hannah Weiner Award and the David A. Kipper Scholar’s Award from the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama.
She is the author of “Show and Tell Psychodrama: Skills for Therapists, Coaches, Teachers, Leaders” and co-author of “Integrating Psychodrama and Systemic Constellations: New Directions with Action Methods, Mind-Body Therapies and Energy Healing” with Ronald Anderson and “Healing Eating Disorders with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods: Beyond the Silence and the Fury” with Linda Ciotola.
Most recently, she assisted Regina Moreno, the daughter of Dr. J.L. Moreno and Florence Bridge Moreno, in the writing of “Words of the Daughter: A Memoir,” published in 2021. She is the founder of the Lancaster School of Psychodrama and Experiential Psychotherapies and is based in Lancaster, PA. |


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Regina Moreno, MARegina Moreno is the daughter of J.L. and Florence Bridge Moreno and the stepdaughter of Zerka T. Moreno. She taught for 47 years in Colorado, Canada, New York, and California and had been using sociodrama, role training, and sociometric choice techniques with elementary, middle school, high school and college-level students for decades. She is presently working as an independent consultant, training teachers and school administrators in the use of role play and conflict resolution strategies as a way of dealing with student conflicts and bullying issues. She recently conducted workshops in Suzhou, China, on the use of sociodrama in understanding the bully-bystander-victim dynamic. Her memoir, “Words of the Daughter: A Memoir,” was published in January 2021. She lives in Berkeley, CA. |


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Miriam Zachariah, MA, TEPMiriam Zachariah has been an educator for more than two decades and recently retired as a school principal who used the techniques of sociometry extensively as a school leader with staff, students and parents.
Although she began her formal study of psychodrama and sociometry in 1997, she has been exposed to multiple psychodramatic techniques as a member of the Moreno family since she was a young child. Her passion as a psychodramatist and sociometrist continues to flourish with many applications in education and consulting, including the use of Bibliodrama, axiodrama and sociodrama to form interdependent learning communities, prevent and remedy bullying in classrooms, and create peacemaking circles in the community.
She says, “My dedication to my grandfather's vision to use sociometry to create communities has led me to focus on learning and teaching ways of resolving conflict peacefully and repairing the harm done by destructive disputes.” She lives in York, Ontario, Canada. |


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| COST: $80, $50 students and retireesProceeds to benefit ASGPP. |










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|  American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama | PO Box 1654, Merchantville, NJ 08109-9998  |
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