
Peter Howie peter at moreno.com.au
Fri Oct 1 02:53:48 UTC 2021

It's worth going back to The theatre of spontaneity because it provides a much bigger picture of spontaneity and Moreno’s interest and enthusiasm with theatre as a place for developing spontaneity. Much bigger picture simply means that he talks about it and discusses it and not in a therapeutic milieu but in the practical world of the stage. 

Brendan I love your active lived use of the ‘yes and…’ response to others. 

Cheers for the moment


> On 1 Oct 2021, at 11:52 am, cartmel at alphalink.com.au wrote:
> Dear Edward,
> Agreed.
> The Godhead.  The First Universe is the source of the spark we find.
> The question is 'what do we do next?'
> Do we worship the Godhead? If it is nothing but symbology and metaphor and abstract language then 
> we have no other choice but to bow and kneel.
> If it is something we can do some sort of 'science' with then we need more grounded practice than 
> worship.
> To quote your good self, Moreno says he did not try to 'create a new religion' but a new form of 
> 'theatre' \ action space.
> What form does this new 'science' take? - is our inquiry.
> Cheers,
> Brendan
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