Earliest reference to doubling, mirroring and role reversal

M.K. Hudgins drkatetsi at icloud.com
Thu Sep 30 11:05:35 UTC 2021

Thanks I was just skimming through it n definitely no reference to anything other than sociometric n groups! 

Kate Hudgins, Ph,D, TEP
Therapeutic Spiral International

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 29, 2021, at 7:26 PM, Rollo Browne <rollobrowne1952 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Kate
> A colleague with a copy of 1934 "Who Shall Survive" had a look and found no reference to mirroring, doubling etc. 
> So my immediate question is answered. 
> The earliest I found was 
> Moreno, J.L. (1940). Psychodramatic Treatment of Psychoses, Sociometry, Apr 1940, Vol. 3, No 2 (Apr., 1940), pp. 115-132
> Best wishes
> Rollo
>> On 30 Sep 2021, at 4:31 am, M.K. Hudgins <drkatetsi at icloud.com> wrote:
>> We have fully embraced the autonomous healing center Ed n thank you for bringing to light.  It came to TSM through Steven n Scott and I am grateful.  It has enlivens our work! 
>> Rollo….you are still on my mind…
>> Kate Hudgins, Ph,D, TEP
>> Therapeutic Spiral International
>> www.therapeuticspiralmodel.com
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 29, 2021, at 2:30 PM, edwschreiber at earthlink.net wrote:
>>> Psychodrama as Education on Life
>>> Moreno wanted his method to be a way of living and not only a therapeutic method.  This idea was taught by Zerka Moreno through her books and seminars.  What is it about living that the method captures beyond the therapeutic value to the method?  What would an education for life include from the lens of JL Moreno and Zerka Moreno, the founder and co-founder of psychodrama?  What ideas about living would be the most essential to understand? Moreno identifies specific life-education ideas for psychodrama as an education for a way of living.
>>> First is the central idea that Moreno discovered about society and organizations:  that all have within themselves an underlying central structure that impacts the functioning of the organization and explains society and its problems as a whole. Moreno discovered that this central underlying structure is mostly hidden within the systems as it exerts a determining impact on the whole organization and everyone in it.  This central underlying structure determines how an organization is organized and includes formal and informal organizational structures and economic realities such as all forms of privilege and access to resources. 
>>> For example, racism is visible to us and yet the society has an underlying structure to it that makes racism possible as a system and structure   The same is true with all forms of social oppression and social isolation.  The same is true of poverty and abuse.  All of these social realities are related to this underlying central structure in our social world. Under all social problems of society something is hidden.  To make the hidden central structure visible is a critical part of Psychodrama as Education on Life.
>>> Secondly, there is a primordial intelligence, a “first universe” that we now understand is related to the quantum field as noted in the realm of quantum physics.  This field as an intelligence is present and active at all times.  The human experience, realized through a direct experience of this field of Intelligence, is a form of enlightened activity. This can yield a direct encounter with the unseen Intelligence to which we are always related to at all times.  Once experienced and over time integrated, the clarity of one’s life is forever changed. One sees the unseen Intelligence in its action.  One is never alone again because one is always related to this Intelligence. 
>>> Both the underlying central structure impacting all society and everyone in it – and the field of Intelligence that exists within us, around us, and between us, are central to understanding psychodrama as an education on life.  How society is organized, how organizations reflect this underlying central structure, how poverty, racism, misogyny, homophobia, all forms of abuse are a reflection of this underlying structure is the genius of Moreno.  How the field of Intelligence between us, around us, within us brings illumination to our lives and to this central structure impacting our world, are applications of psychodrama theory that brings light to the darkness. It is in the nature of social justice. 
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