Lights and Shadows of our Ancestors

Leandra Perrotta leandra.perrotta at
Wed Nov 30 13:13:15 UTC 2022

When invisible loyalty tethers us to an ancestor, we are compelled to
repeat their life scripts and experience their feelings of sadness,
injustice or betrayal. Sometimes, a lingering echo resonates inside us, an
echo of their legacy which weighs us down.
If you have ever wondered how to relate to the unspeakable or unspoken, to
family secrets or taboos, join us in discovering our family legacies as we
explore the Lights and Shadows of our Ancestors on the 11th and 12th February
Leandra Perrotta and Manuela Maciel will guide you in exploring inner,
unmet parts of yourselves, in a journey of light and transformation.
For more information: psychogenealogy at or
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