Checklist of group member competencies?

Cathy Nugent cathynugent at
Thu Jun 13 22:50:40 UTC 2024

Hello, everyone:


Does anyone know of a check list of competencies (or desirable traits) for members of a group – therapy group or training group? I am not looking for competencies of a psychodrama director, but instead, competencies of group members.


Many thanks, and warm wishes,




Catherine D. Nugent, LCPC, TEP

Executive Director & Principal Trainer,

Laurel Psychodrama Training Institute;

Fellow, American Society of Group Psychotherapy

and Psychodrama (ASGPP);

Recipient, ASGPP 2019 J.L. Moreno Award for

Lifetime Achievement in Psychodrama

Recipient, ASGPP 2023 Ann Hale Sociometry Award

Phone: 410-746-7251

Email:  <mailto:cathynugent at> cathynugent at

Website:  <>


Never underestimate the power of inner peace. (Anonymous)


Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed (Gosananda, Cambodian Monk)


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